Kosher: Meat and Milk

I would like to better understand the reason for the Jewish practice of waiting six hours after eating meat before eating milk products. Where is this in the Torah? Is eating them close together considered like cooking them together, which is very hard for me to digest (pardon the pun)?
Mikveh Dishes

We received gifts recently of a glass Shabbat candle holder as well as a cake dish also made of glass. My neighbor told me that I need to take them to the mikvah for dishes. I didn’t know there was such a thing nor why I need to take them for a special dunking in the water. If it’s for dishes, then why take the candle holder – it won’t be used for food or drinks? I don’t get it.
Kosher Kitchen

We are becoming more observant and considering becoming kosher. If we decide to do so, what process, if any, is available to make our dishes kosher, or must we get all new dishes?
Kosher Wine

I have asked this question and have not had a satisfactory answer
from anyone. If grapes (or apples, or any other fruit) are kosher,
and if grapes are left to ferment, with nothing added and become wine, why isn’t the wine kosher? I have been told that the people who make the wine are not Jews and therefore, the finished product is not kosher. That, in my opinion is nonsense. If cows are kosher, and the milk that comes from them is kosher, does this mean that if the farmer is not a Jew, the milk is not kosher?
There are about 60,000 Jews in the Dallas area who are not affiliated with a synagogue (I am one of them) and answers like this are only causing them (and me) to just give up on Judaism as the answers to common questions like this are meaningless. I am very confused and frustrated.
Kosher: Meat and Milk

I have always had trouble understanding the prohibition of consuming meat together with milk. I can understand if there are certain animals that their consumption has a negative effect on a person. But if an animal is kosher by itself, and the milk is kosher, why should they be forbidden if they’re together?