Mitzvah “Performance”

I often wonder about the mitzvah system — it seems so all-encompassing and restrictive, like every moment of the day a person has to worry if he is doing something right or wrong. Do you actually think that it’s a good thing never to be free to do as we please, but always to feel like we’re under scrutiny? Are you telling me that G-d wants us to live in a constant state of tension and worry, that this is the way to joy and happiness?

Mikveh Dishes

We received gifts recently of a glass Shabbat candle holder as well as a cake dish also made of glass. My neighbor told me that I need to take them to the mikvah for dishes. I didn’t know there was such a thing nor why I need to take them for a special dunking in the water. If it’s for dishes, then why take the candle holder – it won’t be used for food or drinks? I don’t get it.


I’ve been wondering about the Hebrew letter shin on the Mezuzah cover. Could you please fill me in on its significance?

Medical Procedures and “Playing G-d”

There was recently discussion on the radio about the will of G-d for people to be sick and doctors treating them. If G-d made them sick, how can a doctor “play G-d” and cure them, seemingly in contradiction to His will? I know we Jews go to doctors, but is there an answer to this question?