Conversion and Support of Israel

I’m incensed over the Rotem bill currently on the floor of the Knesset. I fully endorse the statement of the United Jewish Federations that this bill, which would give full control over conversions in Israel to the rabbinate, could drive a deep wedge between Israel and Diaspora Jews. What right do the Orthodox rabbis have to control such a global and sensitive issue in a country that belongs to all streams of Judaism?

Conversion: Bill of Rights

A convert in Washington drew up a “bill of rights for Jewish converts”. In this piece, she outlines ten issues which face conversion candidates or those in the process, claiming they are afraid of the rabbis, feel victimized, threatened and judged. I personally think she’s right on and have heard similar claims from women in the process. Are you involved in conversion and what is your opinion on what she claims?

Cohen and Marriage

Why can’t a Cohen marry a divorced woman? Is she less than others because of her unfortunate situation?

Chosen People

Why are the Jewish people called the Chosen People and not the Chinese, Hispanics, or Christians for that matter?

Is the Term “Chosen People” Racist?

How can we claim that we were chosen by God to be his special nation without saying it’s a racist idea? Conceptually how is this any different from Hitler saying the Germans are the pure race or any other race or religion claiming they are the “special ones”. Granted we are not out there murdering those who don’t believe as we do, however it seems impossible to claim that we don’t see ourselves as better.
I never felt comfortable with this concept and never got a satisfactory answer.