
We have always kept kosher, to some degree. I am often challenged by friends who ask why do I need to choose this antiquated dietary system, when today there are many dietary systems, based on modern research, that are far healthier than kosher. Although kosher may have kept us healthier in the ancient world, why do we need to continue that today when there might, in fact, be even healthier systems? Could you please give me some food for thought to be able to answer them? (And myself!)


In religious school, we have been discussing: What is the meaning of knowledge? It seems to be one thing when we consider objects that we can sense with our 5 senses. It feels like we can really know everything there is to know about those objects, so we have real knowledge about those things. But when it comes to something more abstract, like knowing about yourself, that’s more “thought” than knowledge. It seems to be the same about G-d, that we can’t see him with our 5 senses so he’s more thought than knowledge.
Do you agree?


Firstly, I thank you for your weekly article which enriches our weekend, and we look forward to it all week!
Could you please explain what exactly is a ketubah; is it a document of sorts or is it part of the actual act of the Jewish wedding? Why do some people hang it on their wall?

Kaddish for Gaza Slain

I’m sure you read about the controversy in England recently when a group of Jews got together to recite the kaddish for the 61 people killed in Gaza by the IDF during their “March of Return” protests, despite the fact that 50 of them are known to be Hamas operatives. The response of the “reciters” of the kaddish was that, although they might belong to Hamas, they’re still human beings and their deaths are still a tragedy and deserve a kaddish recited for them, and if it was Israelis who were slain then they would have said kaddish for them as well. Personally, I’m torn because I agree that any loss of human life is a tragedy, but the kaddish part somehow doesn’t sound right to me but I’m not sure why. Any thoughts?