Why is the Virgin Birth Not Accepted by Jews

Why is it that the Jewish people…who believe that God created the earth and everything in it (from nothing), flooded the earth, talked to Moses through a burning bush (that did not burn up), delivered the plagues in Egypt (except protected the Israelites), parted the Red Sea (which defies the laws of physics), and countless other miracles (which no one can explain naturally), find it impossible to believe for God to have a virgin woman impregnated without a man?

Chosen People

Why are the Jewish people called the Chosen People and not the Chinese, Hispanics, or Christians for that matter?

Is the Term “Chosen People” Racist?

How can we claim that we were chosen by God to be his special nation without saying it’s a racist idea? Conceptually how is this any different from Hitler saying the Germans are the pure race or any other race or religion claiming they are the “special ones”. Granted we are not out there murdering those who don’t believe as we do, however it seems impossible to claim that we don’t see ourselves as better.
I never felt comfortable with this concept and never got a satisfactory answer.

Questions on the Census

My husband and I have refrained thus far from filling out the census forms sent to us by the government as we know the Torah forbids Jews taking part in a census. Does this prohibition also apply to the census from the US government or is this permissible and why?

Why do We Need A Bris?

We have been blessed with a baby boy and held the bris this week, and have some questions in that regard. Why is there a mitzvah to cut the foreskin of a baby? Also, if God is perfect, why would he create us in a way that is imperfect?