COVID and the Preciousness of Life

From newscasts I have seen it would seem that Orthodox Jews, who value the preciousness of life above Shabbat or any other value, are not adhering to the most basic CDC regulations, such as the wearing of a mask and gathering together en masse without protection? Is there a reason in Orthodoxy for this?

Living Will

I’ve enjoyed reading your column over the years in the TJP. One question came to mind that perhaps you can answer. There’s been a lot of discussion over the past few years regarding the importance of Living Wills for various reasons. Does Judaism have a clear position on whether or not this is a good thing to do?

Life Decisions the Jewish Way

I’m wondering, what does the Torah say about how to make major decisions concerning such categories as: job, love, employment, major purchases, etc.? Is there an application from the Torah that can be applied to these and other situations in life?

Learning Without Doing

I am confused. My question is, I am a woman whom has grown up Reformed my entire life and have begun Jewish learning over the past couple of years. Now that I am learning, I am feeling bad about some things I’m not observing. For example, I now know that the Torah forbids eating shrimp, although I’m not ready to give it up. This worries me, since now I know about it and am still doing it. I’m worried G-d is going to strike me down or something. If I would have just stayed at Temple and not gotten involved in Jewish learning I would have no worries because I wouldn’t know anything and therefore not feel bad about anything I’m doing wrong. If I’m not intending, at the moment, to become more observant, is it better that I don’t study so I won’t be more liable in heaven for what I know and don’t do? Or is it better to study anyway?

Kosher Home

We’re getting married soon and are debating whether to have a kosher home or not. It’s a huge commitment, and we’re not so sure if we’re up to it at this point. On the other hand, there are definitely health and spiritual benefits to it, we’re just not sure if they outweigh the difficulties of the commitment involved. Maybe you can help us with our decision.