We are glad you are here!

What to expect

DATA offers a warm welcome to all visitors. Our Rabbi’s and staff are eager to support and guide YOU as you embark on your unique journey in Judaism. If you are interested in finding out more, please reach out our dedicated staff will connect with you to answer any questions you may have!


What is DATA?

DATA (DALLAS AREA TORAH ASSOCIATION) is a Jewish Educational organization and Kollel dedicated to enriching and uplifting the Dallas-area Jewish community. We are committed to promoting lifelong Jewish learning, culture, and community.

Where should I go first?

Your first step is contacting us so that we can best direct you to the right person. 



No. DATA is an outreach organization that offers events, classes AND prayer services that vary by geographic location. Check out our branches and divisions for more information.

What is available for my family?

No matter your age, location, or religious background, DATA has something for everyone. We offer prayer services, holiday and social events, as well as classes for men, women, and children.

Is the Kollel learning for a Beginner?

Yes. It is for anyone who wants to discover the beauty of Torah study by engaging in classes or one-one-one Chavrusa learning. The Dallas Community Kollel offers serious Torah learning for men, regardless of their past Judaic education. No Hebrew background is necessary. If you are interested in learning with our Kollel, please contact Rabbi Tzvi Rosenshein

Are your classes online?

Since COVID has ended, we have resumed the majority of our classes in-person. See the detailed information for each class to see if they have a ZOOM option.

We are working on building our digital library of classes – check back soon!

I have no Jewish background, am I still welcome?

Of course! Many of our current members had no previous experience in their Jewish heritage. DATA welcomes all Jews!


Do you want to ask our Rosh HaKollel / Dean a question? Email Rabbi Yerachmiel Fried and have your questions answered.