
Dear Rabbi Fried,

We read about all kinds of miracles in the Bible. I would have a lot easier time believing in G-d if I could see miracles like our ancestors claim to have seen. How come there aren’t any more miracles today?


Dear Amber,

Although there are miracles happening on many levels, it is true that we, today, don’t have the opportunity to witness “more splitting of the seas” type of  and such open miracles. The classical commentary and Kabbabist, Nachamides (13th century) writes that not every generation is fit to witness such open revelations of G-d.

We do, however, as a later generation, have the opportunity to witness a different type of miracle: the miracle of Jewish history. Aish Hatorah seminar has broken this miracle down to the “7 Wonders of Jewish History”:

  1. The Jewish People are Eternal: G-d promises Abraham an eternal covenant (Genesis 17:7). Even if we breach the covenant and are dispersed among the nations, we will not be destroyed (Leviticus 26:44-45). Our eternity is compared to the sun, moon and stars (Jeremiah 31;34-36). We have indeed survived over 3000 years, despite untold attempts to destroy us, much to the consternation of social scientists and anti-Semites who keep writing us off and here we are!
  2. Survival Despite Dispersion: The three defining traits of a nation are a common land, language and history. Look carefully and see we haven’t had those for some 2000 years, and despite that we have survived! This was also predicted (Ezekiel 12:15).
  3. Anti-Semitism: This was also predicted, see (Deut. 28:65-67). We’re persecuted because we’re different, and hated when we try to assimilate. We’re put down for being rich and controlling, and belittled for the times we were poor. (The only thing they’ve never said is, we’re dumb – only too smart!). No sociological theory could possibly explain the supernatural hatred of the nations for the Jews.
  4. Few in Number: The Torah predicts this fact that we will always be small during history (Deut.4:27;  28:62). According to simple demographics based on how long we’ve been around, we should number in the hundreds of millions. Due to statistical error, there are 12 times as many people lost in China than the entire population of Israel. We understand why the Chinese and Indians are still around, but why are we?
  5. A Light Unto the Nations: Despite our puny size, the entire world is fixated on us. Just compare the amount of news about Israel in the New York Times compared to that of China or India. Even our enemies come to us to learn (Zecharya 8:23). This tiny nation has taught the world about one G-d, and our Bible has been at the top of the top ten for thousands of years!
  6. The Interdependence Between Israel and the Jewish People: The Torah predicts that Israel will lay barren unless the Jews are there. (Ezekiel 33:28-29). Mark Twain, on his travels to Israel in 1867 when it was largely barren of Jews, writes about how the entire land was dreary and lifeless, with hardly a shrub or tree anywhere. This is the land that was known as the fertile crescent! No other land depends on who lives on it if it will thrive.
  7. The Miraculous Return of the Jewish People to Their Homeland: We were promised we would return to our land (Yeshayahu 49:22). We, today, are witnesses to the miraculous return of the Jewish people to our homeland. This is unprecedented in the annals of history.

We, in our generation, are not shown miracles like the ten plagues, but the further along we get in Jewish history, the greater the miracles we see in the essence of our existence as the miraculous Jewish people!


Rabbi Yerachmiel Fried

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