Conception, Pregnancy and the Beginning of Life

Thanks for your reply. If I understand correctly, then, before 40 days one can talk about life of the embryo/fetus from a biologic but not a halachic perspective? This raises a second question — have the rabbis discussed the status of Adam after he was fashioned but before God breathed life into him?

Conception: The Death of a Fetus in Halacha

Would it make sense to speak of death in halachic terms for an embryo (or developing fetus) before there is a circulatory system functioning? If so, what would be the principle for consideration?

My boyfriend wants to abort our Down Syndrome fetus. What do I do?

I am 20 weeks pregnant, and am shocked and devastated to have just received the results from pre-natal testing that I am carrying a Downs Syndrome fetus. My husband wants me to do an abortion, and I am very confused and don’t know what the right thing is to do. What does Judaism have to say about this?