
This time of the year, as I follow along with the readings of the weekly Torah portion, I have a lot of trouble studying the sections we are now reading that deal with the building of the Mishkan – tabernacle. First of all, I have a problem relating to it; how does a building they built thousands of years ago affect our lives. Secondly, why do these portions appear in the book of Exodus, which is the story of the Exodus from Egypt. Why are they not in the next book of Leviticus which deals with the sacrifices they brought in the tabernacle?

Disasters: Learning and Reacting (Hurricane Katrina)

There’s been much talk about the correct Jewish reaction to Katrina, as we discussed in last week’s column. Much praiseworthy action has been taken by our Jewish community. Our own Dallas Jewish Federation has already raised some $75,000. The coordinated community relief efforts are being handled by Jewish Family Service, and my organization, DATA, is […]