Mother’s Day

Is it Jewishly acceptable or advisable to celebrate Mother’s Day?
Building and Dwelling in a Sukkah

What are the specifications of a Sukkah, and when does one need to sit in it?
Lag B’Omer

In temple religious school, our teacher said that in Israel many people light bonfires on Lag B’Omer. She couldn’t really give the reason why they do that. Could you please explain the significance of lighting bonfires on Lag B’Omer?
Christmas Lights
At this time of year I see such pretty lights and decorations all around and I feel like I want to add some sparkle to my home!
Would this be considered avoda zara (involvement with another religion)?
What are your thoughts?
Chanukah: Celebrating in the Hard Times
I’m having a hard time feeling joyous and to celebrate Chanukah with so many fellow Jews being murdered and maimed and living with fear in Israel. Should we perhaps not celebrate Chanukah this year, or at least consider it a solemn day instead of a joyous one under the circumstances?