Conversion: Children

We are somewhat confused and flustered. We adopted our two beautiful sons from Russia when each one was under a year old, and have raised them as Jews ever since. We were under the impression that if a child is adopted and raised by Jews then the children are considered Jewish. However, during a recent visit to Israel, our cousins told us that the children aren’t considered technically Jewish until they convert. This was difficult for us to swallow and want to find out if it’s true. Also, how is it possible to convert small children if they don’t have the maturity and understanding to accept upon themselves whatever being Jewish entails?

Conversion: Why?

Recently a non-Jewish friend asked me why someone would want to convert to Judaism. Although I could think of a lot of reasons, I’m not sure which one was the best. What would your answer be?

Christmas Lights

At this time of year I see such pretty lights and decorations all around and I feel like I want to add some sparkle to my home!
Would this be considered avoda zara (involvement with another religion)?
What are your thoughts?

Chosen People

Why are the Jewish people called the Chosen People and not the Chinese, Hispanics, or Christians for that matter?

Is the Term “Chosen People” Racist?

How can we claim that we were chosen by God to be his special nation without saying it’s a racist idea? Conceptually how is this any different from Hitler saying the Germans are the pure race or any other race or religion claiming they are the “special ones”. Granted we are not out there murdering those who don’t believe as we do, however it seems impossible to claim that we don’t see ourselves as better.
I never felt comfortable with this concept and never got a satisfactory answer.