Mikveh Dishes

We received gifts recently of a glass Shabbat candle holder as well as a cake dish also made of glass. My neighbor told me that I need to take them to the mikvah for dishes. I didn’t know there was such a thing nor why I need to take them for a special dunking in the water. If it’s for dishes, then why take the candle holder – it won’t be used for food or drinks? I don’t get it.
Kosher: Kashering Dishes

All my life I’ve kept a strictly kosher home. This week, lo and behold, the girl who cleans my house washed the milk and meat silverware together. I’m not sure what to do. My dear mother, may she rest in peace, always said that when this happens you need to bury the silverware for a few days, then you can dig it up and use it. This always seemed strange and a little eerie to me, as if the silverware died or something; besides, it’s difficult for me at my age to do that. Is there another way to fix this?